Monday, March 21, 2011

Two skulls and a bum

Below is a illustration of a bum. I painted this with watercolours and then did the outline in ink. Dig?

When I was first learning how to create rubber molds I wanted to make something fun. So I created an Australopithecus skull out of plasticine clay and got to making on the mold. Below is how it turned out after I cast the bugger in plaster, painted with watercolors and glazed the shit out of it with an amber and clear shellac.

After I had painstakingly slushed about 10 of these assholes out I only successfully cured 4. The plaster was very thin in some areas and completely deformed or shattered after removal.

I've always been interested in the art of hat making and figured this would be a perfect time to make some miniature hats. Actually, I made one hat and realized how hard it is (even in miniature form) when you're using cardboard and jersey knit and then switched to half-assing it. Below is what I came up with.

One dunce cap made out of embroidery canvas, one mortar board made out of jersey knit, embroidery thread and cardboard, a bandanna also made out of jersey knit, and the first hat I made- a cowboy hat made out of tape, cardboard and jersey knit.

And a whole buncha dirt.

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