Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Evolutionary lovin'

In the whole 15-20 minutes that Jim was playing Portal on the computer machine I was drawing this little ditty. It's from an article in Hustler. The article was about smutty Paris postcards. This particular lady was stretchin' out during the 1930's.

I've only just begun the procrastination that will ensue shorty. So I expect to be doing a lot of drawing and painting. I've been reading a bunch of articles on the Neanderthal genome and studying up for my paper on Evolutionary genetics....and you know what? I think humans and Neanderthals totally did it. I mean, consensual or not there was some definite interspecies in and out, in and out going on.

That's it I should stop now.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Two skulls and a bum

Below is a illustration of a bum. I painted this with watercolours and then did the outline in ink. Dig?

When I was first learning how to create rubber molds I wanted to make something fun. So I created an Australopithecus skull out of plasticine clay and got to making on the mold. Below is how it turned out after I cast the bugger in plaster, painted with watercolors and glazed the shit out of it with an amber and clear shellac.

After I had painstakingly slushed about 10 of these assholes out I only successfully cured 4. The plaster was very thin in some areas and completely deformed or shattered after removal.

I've always been interested in the art of hat making and figured this would be a perfect time to make some miniature hats. Actually, I made one hat and realized how hard it is (even in miniature form) when you're using cardboard and jersey knit and then switched to half-assing it. Below is what I came up with.

One dunce cap made out of embroidery canvas, one mortar board made out of jersey knit, embroidery thread and cardboard, a bandanna also made out of jersey knit, and the first hat I made- a cowboy hat made out of tape, cardboard and jersey knit.

And a whole buncha dirt.

Friday, March 18, 2011

New and Old

Boredom and lack of creative drive sometimes leads one to organize photos stored in one's hard drive. So that is what I did today, and I found some neat stuff.
The photo above was developed in my bathroom when I had room to develop film and paper. I solarized and over exposed the print, I like the way it turned out and hope my drive comes back soon, analog photography is neat.
This print is a pinhole image. I created a camera out of a metal tin lunch box and created two apertures with it. Instead of using film I used RC film paper and did another exposure to make the image positive. I love how eerie pinholes can be.
These last two photos were taken today. Being bored without internet is a great way to gain motivation to do things. Unfortunately my creative juices have dried up and I have nobody to take photos of. Soooo my face is available, fortunately.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

UGH 2.0

I loathe biological anthropology, it's official.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lucid Dreaming and Overdrinking (and ETSY!)

Yeah, this is a re post from tumblr-what of it?

Saturday night was spent drinking drinks made with Whiskey, Amaretto and Ginger Liqueur. After a few of these said drinks were thrown back the boyfriend and I were feeling a little funny.

So funny we decided to create the worst shit we could make on Etsy. (because, of course, my disdain for those who make shit and it actually sells.) Jim was the one who decided up all this kooky shit and it turned out fascinating… So have yourself a looksie. FIRST SECOND AND THIRD listing. To read more in-detail about these little gems have a looksie here:

While he was uploading the last and final etsy shit onto the interweb the room was at a slight spin for me. Not the kind of spin that tells you you have had too much to drink but the kind of spin that annoys you and makes you think you’re dehydrated. So I sat at the couch watching our goldfish, eeny, meeny, miny and moe swim around their tank and our ever-ready adventurous mystery snail named Yolanda slowly clean her environment with her vaginal-dentata-esque mouth. I started to fall asleep.

My dreams haven’t been lucid in quite a while but this dream, involving college classes, underwater aquariums and High School classrooms. Left my brain feeling bored.

So here I was, scantily clad in a High School classroom, writing college-level papers for some weirdo in a tie, flaunting my thighs across the room to get kicked out of class-which, unfortunately, did not work.

So I left the classroom and found a box of guns in the elevator. Two of my friends left the classroom with me and were unimpressed when they found out the guns were actually cap guns. So, knowing I was in a dream I knew that zombies from some nuclear blast (I should not have watched the movie ‘Threads’ Friday night) were about to descend on us I took the revolver’s cylinder and stretched it out by hand so it would accompany some bullets. I also stretched the barrel a bit and made sure it had a firing pin.

I also decided I needed ample ammunition for protection (being how I was the only one in my group who actually knew how to shoot a gun) and told my dream self that the bullets were never ending in my left pocket-and that’s where they stayed.

Unfortunately I had to kill a few kindergarteners that wanted to eat my legs but all is fair in survival. I woke up before we actually had the chance to hot-wire a car and leave the vicinity.

It’s very interesting that after a few months/year I can actually lucid dream again…. also worth noting is that approximately 80% of all my lucid dreams involve some sort of apocalyptic fate.

Monday, March 7, 2011


The last Australopithecus skull of the bunch- For sale on Etsy.

I'm retiring the mold, finally.

check it out!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Severed Maya Head 2

Here is a slight bloggy update on my sculpture-in-progress.

I decided the paper pulp looked too stucco-like and wasn't a good texture to paint, it also is a pain in the ass to sand if one has nothing but 100 bit sandpaper scraps. So I decided to put a layer of paper mache on top. This is half way done now.
I put the human hair in a baggy so the glue wouldn't chunk it up- and surprisingly (I don't know if you know this about human hair that's been unattached to ones head but I never had kept human hair once it had left my head) the hair gets frizzy and unattractive if left to the elements for two long. I might be breaking out the ole' conditioner pretty soon to smooth those little hairs out.

This is the top view of my little wrinkled face. the texture isn't skin smooth which is good. When a body part is no longer connected to the body the cells start to dehydrate as the blood leaves and the first cells to dehydrate and wrinkle are the skin cells (Okay- I may be getting a science degree but I have no idea if that's even true- It just seems logical to me-how many severed heads have you seen that look baby bottom smooth?? well, I guess it's time to pay ole' Google a visit.)

The last photo below is of my smelly boyfriend. He's painting a smelly painting no doubt and probably using smelly acrylics. Gross.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Last Night Jim and I took some funny photos.
I'm not sure the theme of these photos but I'm guessing by the 'pregnant' belly, clueless hairstyle and lipstick on the teeth I could be anything from a misguided trashy teen mom to just well, trashy. Jim on the other hand Just threw on a pair of mechanic coveralls threw a little eyeshadow on and smiled like he didn't know how to smile without being a creep.
I guess the above photo was just me doing the posing thing while Jim had fun with the DSLR. The cigarette isn't lit for those of you concerned with my pillow-baby's health.

I enjoy this one and I think I will start a collection of wigs now that my hair is very short. I wasn't able to wear many wigs with my hair very long- it was such a hassle.(hoff)