Friday, March 4, 2011

Severed Maya Head 2

Here is a slight bloggy update on my sculpture-in-progress.

I decided the paper pulp looked too stucco-like and wasn't a good texture to paint, it also is a pain in the ass to sand if one has nothing but 100 bit sandpaper scraps. So I decided to put a layer of paper mache on top. This is half way done now.
I put the human hair in a baggy so the glue wouldn't chunk it up- and surprisingly (I don't know if you know this about human hair that's been unattached to ones head but I never had kept human hair once it had left my head) the hair gets frizzy and unattractive if left to the elements for two long. I might be breaking out the ole' conditioner pretty soon to smooth those little hairs out.

This is the top view of my little wrinkled face. the texture isn't skin smooth which is good. When a body part is no longer connected to the body the cells start to dehydrate as the blood leaves and the first cells to dehydrate and wrinkle are the skin cells (Okay- I may be getting a science degree but I have no idea if that's even true- It just seems logical to me-how many severed heads have you seen that look baby bottom smooth?? well, I guess it's time to pay ole' Google a visit.)

The last photo below is of my smelly boyfriend. He's painting a smelly painting no doubt and probably using smelly acrylics. Gross.

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