Thursday, June 30, 2011


Here are a few drawings I did for the Logan Square Literary Review's "A Subversive's Guide to Bicycle Etiquette". It's a short comic I illustrated on flash about the do's and don'ts of urban and street cycling.
This above photo illustrates a 'Do', while the one below illustrates a 'don't'.
To find out the specifics and to purchase an issue chalk full of some of Chicago's most creative writers and illustrators click on through right here. I'm not too sure when it will become available to purchase but there are 6 other issues you can buy in the meantime.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I have been working on the illustrations for a comic my friend Daniel from the Logan Square Literary Review was working on called "the Subversive's guide to Bicycle Etiquette". This is an illustration for the introduction, more to come!

This is a picture of Captain America. I was walking through the local WalMart looking for puzzles and pita bread when I spotted Captain America searching for action figures of himself in the toy aisle. I was a bit sad to see how such a iconic comic book hero had been reduced to narcissistic shopping at the po-dunk WalMart. He has really let himself go as of recently.

A month ago Jim and I acquired new members to our army of darkness. The one on the left is Ella, we rescued her from a local petshop who had her, 10 of her other brother and sisters, and 3 of her adult counter parts in a ten gallon aquarium with a 4" layer of pine shavings and filth for bedding. Edi, (Edith) is the one on the right who we rescued from a house who had two 55 gal aquariums for 25-30 juvenile rats just hanging around. Not to mention other random rats and creatures stored in equally horrible conditions with about 50-100 flys buzzing around constantly.

Okay, so I've had about of 4 shots of Seagram's. Maybe that last rant was a bit overkill.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Here is a few illustrations I have started for the Logan Square Literary Review.
I hope you like them.