Saturday, June 23, 2012

They mostly come out at night, mostly.

The other day I was going through my box of rejected prints from years ago, probably circa 2006-2007.  they were either over or under exposed, or stained. I decided to create something out of what would eventually be thrown away. so this is what I came up with.

This is my friend Zach, if you ever wanted to meet a genuine person-this is the guy you should talk to. He's absolutely amazing at creating props and getting into character. He's just great.

This is Hannah, or as I always will call her, Mama. She is one of the most beautiful people I know, and this is from one of the best trips I've been on. We went camping in Kentucky for her birthday. This trip was the weekend that Mama helped me climb a cliff and break some of the boundaries of my crippling acrophobia. We were dueling camera shots when this photo was taken.

This is Zach again, I put sunglasses on him because I fucked up drawing his eyes (you see the print was way over exposed and he had little dots for eyes. he ended up looking east Asian, which I'm pretty sure is inaccurate.

This is Natalie, I had solarized this photo prior to the illustration, but it didn't turn out where I wanted it. I love drawing ladies because they always turn out nice.
These are my friends Jen, Ken and Sam. I love these three forever and ever.