Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today my sister bought a new camera! She brought it over to our abode Sunday evening and took pictures of myself. I was soooo happy about seeing this awesome Nikon flasher focus sparkle shutter speed camera in action I couldn't contain my glee. Jim and I are thinking about getting one in Super LadyFashion Pink, lolz.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Zaftig Zen, In the past.

Upon going through some of the back issues of Zaftig Zen I thought it would be neat to highlight some of our back issues. Unfortunately(actually-it's pretty fortunate) I do not have copies of numbers 1-6 so you wont be seeing any of those gnarly dudes.
Issue #7 featured an interview with the (at the time) one man music band Pete Yorko- I'm not sure if he's performing his one man band anymore (this was around 2004 or so) but I'm pretty sure you can still see his shtuff online via Last I heard he was performing with Sasquatch and the Sickabillys after leaving Lords of the Highway. But who knows- that was a while ago, all I know is that he's a talented man and Zaftig Zen is happy to have had him play 2 out of 3 of our shows.

Issue eight featured an interview with DJ Last (My cousin, Zak) Who, at the time, was based out of LA- but has since moved North. Apparently the website that we promoted him on is no longer working so I can't say much more on that.Issue 9 came complete with Pornlibs and the comic seen below made by ZZ co-editor at the time. It's about unicorns, dude.

Issue 11 was handed out as a complimentary one. I wanted to see if anyone would even want to take a free copy. They did, good thing I didn't pay for the printing. Issue 11 was filled with fun tidbits such as the things you see below (Musicians that never really made it, and mystical creatures that are rarely heard about.)

Issue 12 spawned the above piece. My favorite is Cuddles. HES SO CUTE!
asdf dsagcvf sjky dcv f!@!!!!!

This was the most recent issue and probably my most favorite (issue 13 is lost in the abyss of zineland- I liked that one too, Jim Ether graciously gave away 20 of his food people cards to be given away with the first 20 issues-thaaaankkkkssssss!)

This is an example of one of the cartoons Mr. Ether submitted. HARRRHARR get it? bobs kinda sounds like BOOBS! HAAHAH

My friend and founder of the Logan Square Literary review, Daniel Majid collaborated on this piece with me- it's one of three in the series.

And this is one that I made-wooohooo!



Today was the day I finally had time to start issue 15.


Photos, illustrations, writing, pornography, and your mother’s grocery list.

send it my way: