Tuesday, August 28, 2012

This Ugly Thing

I've been working on this sculpture for a few weeks now off and on (I suppose it only took me about 5-6 hours total working on it but my attention only lasted with it for so long.) I think it's at a good stopping point. 

Jim suggested I place it on top of my older sculpture's shoulder (see below) so we will see what will happen with that. 

I think it would be a wonderful life not to have to do anything but make giant creepy anthropomorphic sculptures out of casts of my own body. This would be awesome and I could make my neighbors feel oh so uncomfortable if I display them out in the yard. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


It was great because those of you who know the real me know I have always loved zoos and even spent my childhood summers doing book reports on "Zoobooks" FOR FUN. Yes, I had friends, so that's not really the issue. 
Unfortunately, I was very disappointed that one of the best zoos in the country had absolutely no Lemur troop. Again, those of you who know me know that Lemurs are what I dream about at night. So much so that if my art and archaeological conservation career doesn't pan out I'll probably head down the line as a primatologist. 
Anywhoo, my disappointment was quickly muffled when I saw they had Bonobos. I like to think of Bonobos as the chimpanzees', smarter, kinder, and prettier cousin. These guys share over 98% of our DNA AND they have the capability (if worked with extensively) to use a lexigram to communicate AND EVEN LEARN TO MAKE FIRE.  Plus they're too busy having sex and loving each other to attack and kill. (well, unless you're a smaller species of primate.) Which means I don't know if there has been a real problem with these guys ever attacking a trainer or zoo keeper- unless they're abused, because these guys can rip your arms off if they wanted too.
Here are the photos:

This was a mama Bonobo. She recently had her third baby about a week ago and is sheilding her newborn from the eyes of onlookers. She has lost a lot of hair which can mean anything from stress to natural disease. I don't really know what it was caused by in her case.

This is another mama Bonobo, only her two children (about a year and some change apart it looked like) were mobile and exploring.

This is the older of the two babies. Its very hard to get a photo of either one because they're constantly moving and playing- being the true primate children they are.

Bonobos don't really mind if their children play with their food.

"Hey guys, whats up. I'm just hangin out, you know bein' myself."

Flying foxes are my favorite kind of bats.
This little reptile was the cutest in the entire zoo.
Just picture a run-down trailer in the background.

My niece playing patty cake with a Langur.

Penguin want finger. penguin eat finger.

underwater polar bear tank

beautiful reticulated python.

Sunbear saw me comin.

Sunbear strikes a pose.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

They mostly come out at night, mostly.

The other day I was going through my box of rejected prints from years ago, probably circa 2006-2007.  they were either over or under exposed, or stained. I decided to create something out of what would eventually be thrown away. so this is what I came up with.

This is my friend Zach, if you ever wanted to meet a genuine person-this is the guy you should talk to. He's absolutely amazing at creating props and getting into character. He's just great.

This is Hannah, or as I always will call her, Mama. She is one of the most beautiful people I know, and this is from one of the best trips I've been on. We went camping in Kentucky for her birthday. This trip was the weekend that Mama helped me climb a cliff and break some of the boundaries of my crippling acrophobia. We were dueling camera shots when this photo was taken.

This is Zach again, I put sunglasses on him because I fucked up drawing his eyes (you see the print was way over exposed and he had little dots for eyes. he ended up looking east Asian, which I'm pretty sure is inaccurate.

This is Natalie, I had solarized this photo prior to the illustration, but it didn't turn out where I wanted it. I love drawing ladies because they always turn out nice.
These are my friends Jen, Ken and Sam. I love these three forever and ever.