Saturday, November 5, 2011


Here are a few of the ceramics things I have completed as of lately. All of them were constructed with red earthenware clay fired in a raku kiln, none were reduced, however. I did one reducing and didn't care for the iridescent sheen on these particular pieces.

This was a planter I carved, it's about a foot tall it was glazed with turquoise raku glaze but was not coated and fired to the full blue-ish green color. This is one of the scenes on the planter.

Another scene depicting the desert

A third scene (and my favorite) The glaze slightly pooled and oozed out of the carving but fuck it- it can do whatever it wants, fucking l-oozer.

I forgot to post a picture of the fourth scene but it was just a stupid cottage on a stupid little hill. So you can just imagine what it looked like.

I also made a trilobite- It's missing it's carapace but that's how my fossil came. I decorated it in brown and black slip and then glazed it with clear and amber splotches. I then took a sponge and got most of the glaze off so it stayed in the lower parts of the piece, I don't think a trilobite would be as neat if it was all glossy and shit.

Here is another view of it and my stained table cloth. I like this table cloth because it has scenes depicted on it that say "general store" and such. But it's all stained up with coffee and wine so that's why we can't have nice things in this house.
Here is a teacup and saucer with spoon based off a trilobite. It's all painted with slip and glazed clear. It's functional but I don't want to drink tea out of something based off an extinct crustacean. That is just weird.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Zombie Photos ROUND 1

My friend Rose agreed to help me out with some photos I wanted to take. I had the idea of zombies sitting down for dinner because, well zombies normally don't do that. Since Rose's family has been known to dress up like zombies whenever they want I thought this would be a perfect fit.

This was when I was checking lighting and messing around with my apreture, her son caught me off guard.

More to come soon.

Friday, July 29, 2011



Here are some woodblock prints I made a year ago.
Juuuust cleanin' out the closet.

Monday, July 18, 2011

My week MIA

Recently I had the opportunity to go to a field school and do some archaeology with the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Unfortunately I could only afford the one week, and it was only because I received a scholarship through F.A.R.C. I am very grateful for this opportunity and plan on spending as many Sundays as I can get off of work helping with further excavations. The drive is about an hour and a half away but it has proven to be worth it.

This photo was taken on our last day on the field, I didn't have my camera so I'm thankful that Becky, one who attended all 5 weeks of excavation, had taken a bunch.
After I returned home and took a shower I noticed this gnarly fellow staring back at me. I'm not sure how it happened but it might have been when I was toting 5 gallon buckets of dirt to the screens.

Here is a photo of me officially digging out my first 'feature'. Unfortunately this 'feature' turned out to be the first of many rodent holes I will encounter over my career. It was neat because I dug a whole 50 cm down until I realized that it curved to the right and resembled a tornado. Unfortunately all the artifacts that I found and bagged, including a pottery sherd, had to be discarded because the disturbance wasn't human-made. OH WELL.

Here is a photo of me in my neat and ugly straw hat. This was also taken on the last day, and I believe I was picking the dirt and broken fingernails off my hands.

On Wednesday Brian #2 (who was in charge of our little newbie field school group) invited the entire crew out for a cook-out at his and his wife's lovely home. After food I spent watching cornhole and bocce being played while playing with dogs and drinking a beer.

OH fun. I'm thinking Dr. Redmond (Brian #1) was saying something amusing at the time of my laughter. gigglegiggle.

archaeologists in situ (huyk huyk)

This is when the group excavating the unit North of us found a almost perfect projectile point. This was a very exciting time that day.
and here we are troweling our hearts away or something like that.